
boz bert

For breakfast he had one sandwich and a half
and wondered if he would ever get used to his
new set.


boz tuin

Blackbirds are daft.


serooskerke 039

The sound of children playing.Of water splashing.
Of the patter of feet.Embedded in rustling leaves.
Kissed by the sun.

serooskerke 038

Is there
out there?

serooskerke 036

The impressive
Mister 14
strikes again.

serooskerke 035

serooskerke 034

serooskerke 033

The neighbour's
can't be greener.

serooskerke 032

serooskerke 030

serooskerke 015

Bend me
shape me
you want me.

serooskerke 016

All the lonely bottles.Where do they all come from.


santa christina d'aro 87

Awaiting the fatigued traveller.

barcelona 70

There are many ways to cross your legs.

barcelona 63

Mark the contrast.

barcelona 62

barcelona 59

An ode to creativity.

barcelona 58

Ban pre-ban-the-bomb.

barcelona 57


barcelona 56

barcelona 55

barcelona 54

A grim face.

barcelona 53

A little help form her hands.

barcelona 51

Having the nerve to make a curve.

barcelona 52

Although not often put into practice,creating a new window is easier than altering the view.

sta.chr.d'aro 48


sta.chr.d'aro 35

Living a dream.

sta.chr.d'aro 28

Still room at the top.

sta.chr.d?ro 27

Hidden from spying eyes
but spotted by the sun.
(red spots mainly)

sta chr.d'aro 21

Finch and titmouse make an awful racket out there.

sta.christina d'aro 16

Opening his eyes in the morning was different this time.